“Truly” is a speculative study in interaction design for a plugin that filters disinformation online by using artificial intelligence and machine learning. It is presented as a Chrome browser extension interactive mock-up built with the software Figma. It can be visited here.

“Norxicon” is a speculative project that humorously invites people to coin new terms and words to fully describe the northern winter, expanding the English lexicon to better represent our communal experiences.

“Labial” Is a speculative project in response to the Covid-19 pandemic and the new normal in which we add masks to everyday life. it is a prototype for an augmented reality app based on a machine learning model to generate labial expressions and movements from facial expressions, speech intonation, rhythm, and what is being said.

“Alata” is an experimental product design and visual identity project developed by a team at Concordia University. it offers a set of waterless self-caring products made of natural ingredients and household staples. as a sustainable experiment, it comes packed in wooden boxes with lids built with by-products of this process, and by hand-made printed furoshiki fabrics.
